Conceptual Model Development of Dispatching Team Task Complexity for Metro Operating Control Center

Ke Niu, Weining Fang*, Qi Song, and Beiyuan Guo

As an important feature of dispatching team task in operating control center (OCC), task complexity has a significant impact on the team performance and operational safety of the whole metro system. However, the existing concepts and methods for individual tasks cannot be fully applied to the research of the dispatching team task of OCC. In view of the research status, this work analyzed the characteristics of the dispatching team task complexity (TTC) in OCC and developed a network-based model of dispatching team task. Based on the team task network model, a three-dimension conceptual model of TTC for dispatching team task in OCC was finally constructed in the paper using an induction method. Three kinds of emergency tasks also verified the effectiveness of the proposed three-dimension conceptual model.

References:Ke Niu; Weining Fang*; Qi Song; Beiyuan Guo.IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine ( Volume: 13, Issue: 3, Fall 2021),P174-191.DOI: 10.1109/MITS.2019.2953503


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