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- 列车驾驶界面人因设计理论及方法,2013,科学出版社
- 动车组司机室,2013,北京交通大学出版社
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- 李彦洁,方卫宁,王健新,鲍海峰.动态照明对疲劳调度员神经行为反应的影响.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2023,暂无(暂无)
- 李彦洁,方卫宁,裘瀚照,董文莉,王健新,鲍海峰.Diurnal Intervention Effects of Electric Lighting on Alertness, Cognition, and Mood in Healthy Individuals: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis.LEUKOS,2023,暂无(暂无)
- 王奥博,郭北苑,易子旺,方卫宁.Research on Enhanced Situation Awareness Model with DMI Visualization Cues for High-Speed Train Driving.International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction,2023,1(1)
- 裘瀚照,方卫宁,王健新,陈悦源.Improved ergonomic layout design of metro control center based on virtual simulation technology and genetic algorithm.Scientific Reports,2023,1(13)
- 陈悦源,方卫宁,徐鼎.地铁小限界中屏蔽门与车门间隙安全防护风险分析.工业工程与管理,2022,2(27)
- 鲍海峰,方卫宁,郭北苑,裘瀚照.Adaptive Human–Computer Interface Design for Supervision Task Based on User Attention and System State.International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction,2023,0(0)
- 陈悦源,方卫宁,鲍海峰,郭北苑.The Effect of Task Interruption on Working Memory Performance.Human Factors,2022,0(0)
- 陈悦源,方卫宁,郭北苑,鲍海峰.作业中断对任务绩效的影响及心理疲劳的调节作用.心理学报,2023,1(55)
- 张倩,方卫宁,李健,鲍海峰,赵兴东.Research on a Fatigue Detection Method Based on Phoneme.MAN-MACHINE-ENVIRONMENT SYSTEM ENGINEERING, MMESE,2021
- 陈悦源,方卫宁,郭北苑,鲍海峰.The moderation effects of task attributes and mental fatigue on post-interruption task performance in a concurrent multitasking environment.APPLIED ERGONOMICS,2022,None(102)
- 陈悦源,方卫宁,郭北苑,鲍海峰.Fatigue-Related Effects in the Process of Task Interruption on Working Memory.FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE,2021,None(15)
- 李彦洁,方卫宁,郭北苑,鲍海峰.Morning Boost on Alertness, Cognitive Performance and Mood with Dynamic Lighting.Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022),2022
- 王奥博,郭北苑,薛书琪,蒋婷,鲍海峰.A Taxonomy of Level of Automation in Intelligent Operational Supervisory Task.AHFE (2022) International Conference,2022
- 王奥博,郭北苑,杜昊,鲍海峰.Impact of Automation at Different Cognitive Stages on High-Speed Train Driving Performance.IEEE TRA
- 郭北苑,易子旺,杜昊.高铁ATO对驾驶任务效能的影响研究.人类工效学,2022,3(28)NSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2022,2022(10)
- 郭北苑,孙玉龙.基于认知结构的高速列车对标停车控制算法研究.北京交通大学学报,2021,5(45)
- 董文莉,方卫宁,郭北苑,王健新,鲍海峰.Toward Adaptive Trust Management for Human-Automation Teaming Using an Instance-Based Learning Cognitive Model.Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022),2022
- 贾万琛,方卫宁,赵兴东.城市轨道交通站务员排班疲劳风险评价方法.工业工程与管理,2022,5(27)
- 裘瀚照,方卫宁,郭北苑.A Layout Generation Algorithm for Unequal-Area Display and Control Console Considering Ergonomics.IEEE Access,2020,None(8)
- 陈悦源,方卫宁.The moderation effects of task attributes and mental fatigue on post-interruption task performance in a concurrent multitasking environment.Applied Ergonomics,2022,102(102)
- 牛可,方卫宁,宋琦,郭北苑,杜衣杭,陈悦源.An Evaluation Method for Emergency Procedures in Automatic Metro Based on Complexity.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2021,1(22)
- 牛可,方卫宁,宋琦,郭北苑.Conceptual Model Development of Dispatching Team Task Complexity for Metro Operating Control Center.IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAGAZINE,2021,3(13)
- 孙玉龙,郭北苑,张梦琦,杜恒,肖骁.Design and Implementation of Skill Maintenance Training System for Drivers.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems,2021
- 陈悦源,方卫宁,郭北苑,鲍海峰.Fatigue-Related Effects in the Process of Task Interrruption on Working Memory.Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,2021,17(无)
- 易子旺,郭北苑,杜昊.Aimed at Situation Awareness Enhancement: Dynamic Situation Awareness Circle and Experimental Verification.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems,2021
- 郭北苑,张学莹,张玉乾,杨超.工程和设计中人因工程学方法的适应性分析.包装工程,2021,4(42)
- 鲍海峰,郭北苑,倪群高,王健新.Real-Time Ergonomic Assessment of Human-Machine Interface Layout Using Virtual Reality Reproduction.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems,2021
- 鲍海峰,郭北苑,倪群高,王健新.Real-Time Ergonomic Assessment of Human-Machine Interface Layout Using Virtual Reality Reproduction.International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,2021
- Vanderhaegen,方卫宁.Human factors and automation in future railway systems.Cognition, Technology & Work,2021,23(无)
- 方卫宁,王健新.城市轨道交通运营控制中心设计中的人因问题.现代城市轨道交通,2021,6(无)
- 王健新,方卫宁,鲍海峰.The Influence of Automation Failure on the Automation Trust of High-Speed Railway Driver’s Monitoring Operation.Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conference on Ergonomics in Design,2021
- 张倩,方卫宁,鲍海峰,李健.Research on a Fatigue Detection Method Based on Phoneme.Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on MMESE,2021
- 裘瀚照,方卫宁,鲍海峰,王向学.A Feasibility Study of Virtual Reality Technology in Guidance Design of Underground Space.Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conference on Ergonomics in Design,2021
- 方卫宁,王健新.复杂系统人机交互中的多任务调度策略综述.包装工程,2021,18(42)
- 裘瀚照,方卫宁,鲍海峰,王向学.A Feasibility Study of Virtual Reality Technology in Guidance Design of Underground Space.Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems,2021
- 王俊峰,王俊刚,裘瀚照,方卫宁,周国青.Train Route Information Visual Distance Extension and Analysis of Driver Cognitive Reliability.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY,2021,2(70)
- 牛可,方卫宁.An Evaluation Method for Emergency Procedures in Automatic Metro Based on Complexity.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS,2019,无(无)
- 杜衣杭,方卫宁.Efficacy of auditory target tracking training to enhance selective attention in continuous speech-shaped noise environment.CHINESE JOURNAL OF ACOUSTICS,2020,1(39)
- 王鹏,方卫宁.Mental workload evaluation and its application in train driving multitasking scheduling: a Timed Petri Net‑based model.Cognition, Technology & Work,2019,无(无)
- 王鹏,方卫宁.A measure of mental workload during multitasking: Using performance-based Timed Petri Nets.International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics,2020,1(75)
- 王茜,方卫宁.城市轨道交通控制中心多屏拼接幕墙可视性设计.城市轨道交通研究,2020,1(23)
- 李彦洁,方卫宁.动车组客室灯具设置对眩光的影响.照明工程学报,2020,4(31)
- 王健新,方卫宁.Function Allocation Design of Subway Automatic Train Supervision System’s Alarm Unit.2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2019,,2019
- 高辰辰,方卫宁.Impact of Speedometer Forms on Integration Task performance for Train Driving.AHFE 2020 International Conference,2020
- 王奥博,郭北苑,黄天成,刘源.A Life Cycle Assessment Framework-Based Method for Ergonomic Indicator Selection for Complex Human-Machine Systems.International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,2020
- 张学莹,郭北苑,刘源,黄天成. Construction and Application of Applicability Evaluation Model of Human Factors Methods for Complex Human-Machine System.International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,2020.
- 王晨,方卫宁,陈悦源,李彩凤. Effect of Intercity Train Vehicle Layout on Boarding and Alighting. In: Stanton. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,2020.
- 李彦洁,方卫宁,沈鹏.动车组客室灯具设置对眩光的影响.照明工程学报,2020,31(04):74-80+93
- 裘翰照, 方卫宁, 郭北苑. A Layout Generation Algorithm for Unequal-Area Display and Control Console Considering Ergonomics.IEEE Acces, 2020 29912-29921.
- 高辰辰,方卫宁,牛可,王健新. Impact of Speedometer Forms on Integration Task performance for Train Driving . The 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2020.
- 牛可,方卫宁,宋琦,郭北苑. An Evaluation Method for Emergency Procedures in Automatic Metro Based on Complexity. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020,PP(99):1-14.
- 牛可,方卫宁,宋琦,郭北苑. Conceptual Model Development of Dispatching Team Task Complexity for Metro Operating Control Center. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2020, PP(99).
- 裘瀚照,方卫宁.Train Vehicle Structure Design from the Perspective of Evacuation, CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,2019,32:88
- 裘瀚照,方卫宁.Effect of high-speed train interior space on passenger evacuation using simulation methods,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,2019,528
- 牛可,方卫宁,郭北苑.A team task complexity measure for emergency procedures in fully automatic metro.CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE,2019,10(31)
- 鲍海峰,方卫宁,郭北苑.Real-time wide-view eye tracking based on resolving the spatial depth.MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS,2019,11(78)
- 鲍海峰,方卫宁,郭北苑,王鹏.Supervisors’ Visual Attention Allocation Modeling Using Hybrid Entropy.ENTROPY,2019,4(21)
- 王鹏,方卫宁,郭北苑 . Mental workload evaluation and its application in train driving multitasking scheduling: a Timed Petri Net-based model. Cognition Technology and Work, 2019(4):1-15.
- 杜衣杭, 方卫宁, 王丽君, 陈悦源,牛可.基于AHP的列车司机非技术技能综合评价模型. 安全与环境学报, 2019(3).
- 杜衣杭,方卫宁.声源追踪训练对语音型噪声中语音识别的影响.声学学报,2019,44(05):945-950.
- 陈悦源,方卫宁,牛可,等. Accessible design of railway vehicle based on cognitive work analysis. 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, 2019.
- 牛可,方卫宁,郭北苑.复杂人机系统设计中认知工作分析理论、 技术与应用研究进展.中国科学: 技术科学,2018,6(48)
- 牛可,方卫宁,郭北苑.Team Task Complexity of Traffic Dispatchers in Operating Control Center:A Network-based Concept.2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transport,2018
- 杜衣杭,方卫宁,牛可 . A Method for Evaluation System of Railway Driver Non-Technical Skills Construction,2018 International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation, 2018.
- 裘瀚照,方卫宁,郭北苑.Motion and Time Study on Space Maintenance Mission.8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,2017
- 鲍海峰,方卫宁,郭北苑,王鹏.Real-Time Eye-Interaction System Developed with Eye Tracking Glasses and Motion Capture.8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,2017
- 王鹏,方卫宁,郭北苑,鲍海峰.Apply Petri Nets to Human Performance and Workload Prediction under Multitask.8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics,2017
- 王鹏,方卫宁,郭北苑.A colored petri nets based workload evaluation model and its validation through Multi-Attribute Task Battery-II.Applied Ergonomics,2017,60(60)
- 谷绪地,方卫宁.动车组列车司机室照明反射眩光分析及照明方案设计.照明工程学报,2017,1(28)
- 李仕栋,方卫宁.时速160km/h城际动车组列车司机室昼间眩光分析.铁道科学与工程学报,2017,14(4)
- 郭北苑,田林枝,方卫宁.Effects of operation type and handle shape of the driver controllers of high-speed train on the drivers’ comfort.International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics,2017,58(58)
- 杜衣杭,方卫宁.基于PCA-AHP地铁行车调度员非技术技能的识别及评定.北京交通大学学报,2016,7(40)
- 李翔,方卫宁.Mental workload prediction model based on information entropy. Computer Assisted Surgery ,2016,S1(21)
- 詹自翔,郭北苑,方卫宁.高速列车驾驶界面设计中的照明眩光评估.机械工程学报,2016,8(52)
- 郭北苑,巨建涛,王雅楠,方卫宁.高速列车应急作业工效学实验系统研究.实验技术与管理,2013,1(30)
- 方卫宁,刘艺超,郭北苑,张嬿.OCC controller workload evaluation model and application.6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences,2015
- 张海丽,方卫宁.地铁司机职业适应性测试管理实验系统设计.城市轨道交通研究,2011,4(14)
- 郭北苑,牛可,方卫宁.Study on the Shiftwork Load of Subway Traffic Dispatching.PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH COTA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF TRANSPORTATION PROFESSIONALS,2015
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.Using Hand Grip Force as a Correlate of Longitudinal Acceleration Comfort for Rapid Transit Trains.sensors,2015,2015(15)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.Effects of apparent image velocity and complexity on the dynamic visual field using a high-speed train driving simulator.International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics,2015,2015(48)
- 王洁,方卫宁.地铁行车调度系统人误影响因素识别及判定研究.中国安全科学学报,2013,11-2865/X(Vol.21,No.8)
- 李东波,郭北苑,何秀全, 等.司机室操纵设备可辨识度评价方法研究.铁道车辆,2013,51(1):5-9.
- 陈德钧,方卫宁.轨道车辆司机操纵台人机界面布局优化模型与算法.铁道学报,2014,11(36)
- 王洁,方卫宁.地铁行车调度系统人误情景评价模型研究.中国安全科学学报,2014,10(23)
- 薛霏,方卫宁.基于系统动力学的轨道交通车站客流演变算法.铁道学报,2014,02(36)
- 赵嫚,方卫宁.地铁调度员工作站人机交互界面设计研究 .铁路计算机应用,2014,6(23)
- 王高翔,方卫宁.基于工作负荷的地铁行车调度人员的配置方案 .都市快轨交通,2014,2(27)
- 王洁,方卫宁.地铁行车调度系统人误影响因素识别及判定研究 .中国安全科学学报,2014,8(21)
- 王洁,方卫宁.地铁行车调度人误模式结构化分析 .人类工效学,2014,1(19)
- 方卫宁,王鹏.车载仪表仿真的形态逼真度研究.北京交通大学学报,2014,No.4(Vol.38)
- 王洁,方卫宁.A structured method for the traffic dispatcher error behavior analysis.Safety Science,2014,December 2014(70)
- 方卫宁,张嬿,鄂明成,谢凯,孙铭壑.轮班制度对于地铁司机疲劳的影响.中国安全科学学报,2010,2(20)
- 张嬿,方卫宁,鄂明成,王浩,郭北苑.地铁列车司机轮班疲劳风险分析.铁道运输与经济,2010,4(32)
- 郭北苑, 杜薇, 毛昱洁. Research On The Simulation Of An Automatic Train Over Speed Protection Driver-machine Interface Based On Model Driven Architecture.12th International Conference on Computer System Design and Operation in Railways and Other Transit Systems,2010.
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- 邓野,方卫宁,李强.Research on the Display Mode of Locomotive Velocity Tracing.2009 International conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation,2009
- 毛昱洁,郭北苑,方卫宁.Research on intelligent method of generating virtual landscape along high-speed passenger dedicated rail line.2009 IEEE 10th international conference on computer-aided industrial design & conceptual design,2009
- 邓野,方卫宁,胡清梅,郭北苑.The Simulation System of Metro Platform Based on Intelligent Behavior-Oriented Passengers.2009 IEEE the 10th International Conference on Computer-aided Industrial Design & Conceptual Design,2009
- 胡清梅,方卫宁,郭北苑,李广燕.行人运动建模技术综述.计算机应用研究,2009,2(26)
- 胡清梅,方卫宁,邓野.一种基于社会力模型的行人运动仿真模型研究.系统仿真学报,2009,4(21)
- 邓野,方卫宁,李强,丁霖.列车速度跟踪显示方式的人机工效研究.电子测量与仪器学报,2009,4(23)
- 胡清梅,方卫宁,贾玉泉,邓野.人群拥挤及群集行为特性的仿真研究.中国科学,2009,5(39)
- 胡清梅,方卫宁,李广燕,丁霖.地铁车站的出口设计对人群疏散性能的影响.铁道学报,2009,3(31)
- 胡清梅,方卫宁,郭北苑,农忠霖.基于行人运动模型的人群疏散三维仿真.北京交通大学学报,2009,4(33)
- 方卫宁,胡清梅,李娜,郭北苑.基于RBF神经网络的复杂场景人群目标的识别.北京交通大学学报,2009,4(33)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.动车组司机室人机几何适配性设计规范应用研究.北京交通大学学报,2009,1(33)
- 丁霖,方卫宁,邓野,胡清梅.车载柔性虚拟仪表的显示与生成.北京交通大学学报,2009,1(33)
- 胡清梅,方卫宁.The simulation and analysis of pedestrian crowd and behavior.Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences,2009,6(52)
- 张乐乐,谭南林,张新华,方卫宁.提高列车在城区铁路平交道口的可见性.中国铁道科学,2008,No3(Vol29)
- 张乐乐,方卫宁,谭南林.机车新型闪烁灯光示警系统的性能实验研究.北京交通大学学报,2007,1(31)
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- 邓野,方卫宁.基于人机工效学的手机键型设计.the 2006 international conference on industral design,2006
- 李娜,方卫宁.基于视频的地铁人群目标识别.北京交通大学学报,2006,1(30)
- 方卫宁,邹华.基于图纸理解的图形参数驱动的研究.计算机应用,2001,8(21)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁,谭南林,胡清梅.虚拟环境下磁悬浮列车驾驶舱人机适配性分析.计算机研究与发展,2005,9(42)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁,戴明森.机车司机视作业行为测试.科学技术与工程,2005,9(5)
- 田生彩,郭北苑,方卫宁,徐媛媛.面向客户的协同工业设计产品方案评价系统.计算机集成制造系统-CIMS,2003,专刊(月刊)(9)
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- 郭北苑,方卫宁.基于眼动议的疲劳检测方法.航天医学与医学工程,2004,4(17)
- 李伏京,方卫宁.磁悬浮车辆中人员紧急疏散的仿真研究.中国安全科学,2005,8(15)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.分布式仿真半实物机车驾驶工效学实验系统.实验技术与管理,2005,7(22)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.Physiological fatigue determination based on percentage of eyelid closure with eye tracking system.中国临床康复,2005,26(9)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.城市轨道交通站场环境中客流信息获取与预测.仪器仪表学报,2005,8(26)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.基于模糊因素的车载显示屏人机功效评价.北京交通大学学报,2005,1(29)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.手势交互中手部目标的动态分割.系统仿真学报,2005,2(17)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.平面设计视觉美学的计算机辅助分析.计算机工程与应用,2005,14(41)
- 胡清梅,方卫宁.基于功效学的机车前窗刮雨器尺寸参数的设计.铁道学报,2005,6(27)
- 方卫宁,郭北苑,胡清梅.高速列车驾驶舱人机几何适配性设计.2004世界轨道交通论坛--主题轨道交通安全技术与管理 国际会议论文集,2004
- 方卫宁,徐媛媛,郭北苑.A Study of Locomptive Driver’s Ocular Working Behavir and Layout of Inrtruments in Control Panel.PROCEEDING 2001 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL DESIG,2001
- 田生彩,郭北苑,方卫宁.Construction of Client-oriented Remote Cooperative Product Scheme Evaluting System in Industry Design.IUMRS-ICAM 2003,2003
- 郭北苑,骆志强,方卫宁.A Comprehensive Evaluation Model on the Ergonomics of Locomotive Plane Display.WORK WITH COMPUTING SYSTEMS 2004 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Work with Computing Systems,2004
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.手势交互中手部目标的动态分割.第四届全国虚拟现实与可视化学术会议论文集,2004
- 方卫宁,郭北苑.轨道交通环境中人群疏散行为可视化仿真研究.计算机研究与发展,2005,增刊A(42)
- 方卫宁,徐媛媛,田生彩.基于工效学的机车显示、控制器界面计算机辅助优化设计.铁道学报,2004,6(26)
- 方卫宁,郭北苑.机车乘务员空间作业域判定方法的研究.北方交通大学学报,2001,1(25)
- 方卫宁,郭北苑,王莹.The Dynamic Simulation System of Passenger Flow in Railway Stations and its Application in the Evaluation of Environment Programming.PROCEEDING 2001 INTERNATIONAL CONFERNCE ON INDYSTRIAL DESIGN,2001
- 张俊红,方卫宁,郭北苑.机车后视镜安装及后视野校核方法的研究.铁道学报,2002,5(24)
- 骆志强,张俊红,方卫宁.司机室操纵台仪表显示装置的优化布局研究.电力机车技术,2002,3(25)
- 方卫宁,张俊红,郭北苑.机车操纵台液晶显示器参数调节对视觉功效的 影响.铁道学报,2003,6(双月刊)(25)
- 郭北苑,方卫宁.人机交互中基于眼动议的输入技术研究.仪器仪表学报,2004,4(增刊上册)(25)
- 方卫宁,邹华.企业产品远程技术支持系统的探讨.中国机械工程,2001,12(12)
- 方卫宁.论艺术教育在理工科研究生创新素质的培养.学位与研究生教育,2005,7(7)
- 方卫宁.TZY1型机车驾驶座椅的研制.内燃机车,2005,5(5)
- 方卫宁,田生彩,郭北苑.机车乘务员坐姿作业空间的定量分析与仿真.北方交通大学学报,2004,1(28)
- 方卫宁,何丽华.论艺术教育对学生创新素质的影响.交通高教研究,2004,2(双月刊)()
- 方卫宁,俞武强,郭北苑.夜间机车驾驶环境中LCD眩光的分析与评价.北方交通大学学报,2003,4(27)