A colored petri nets based workload evaluation model and its validation through Multi-Attribute Task Battery-II

Author:Peng Wang, Weining Fang*, Beiyuan Guo

This paper proposed a colored petri nets based workload evaluation model. A formal interpretation of workload was firstly introduced based on the process that reflection of petri nets components to task. A petri net based description of Multiple Resources theory was given by comprehending it from a new angle. A new application of VACP rating scales named V/A-C-P unit, and the definition of colored transitions were proposed to build a model of task process. The calculation of workload mainly has the following four steps: determine token’s initial position and values; calculate the weight of directed arcs on the basis of the rules proposed; calculate workload from different transitions, and correct the influence of repetitive behaviors. Verify experiments were carried out based on Multi-Attribute Task Battery-II software. Our results show that there is a strong correlation between the model values and NASA -Task Load Index scores (r¼0.9513). In addition, this method can also distinguish behavior characteristics between different people.

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant 51575037.

REFERENCES:Author:Peng Wang, Weining Fang*, Beiyuan Guo,A colored petri nets based workload evaluation model and its validation through Multi-Attribute Task Battery-II, Applied Ergonomics, 2016.11



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