Train Vehicle Structure Design from the Perspective of Evacuation

The safety of trains, a highly efcient mode of transportation, has attracted signifcant attention. In the vehicle structure design of a train, the evaluation of the passenger evacuation time is necessary. The establishment of a simulation model is the fastest, most convenient, and practical way to achieve this goal. However, few scholars have focused on the reliability of a passenger train evacuation simulation model. This paper proposes a new validation method based on dynamic time warping and multidimensional scaling. The proposed method validates the dynamic process of a simulation model, provides statistical results, and can be used for small-sample scenarios such as a train evacuation scenario. The results of a case study indicate that the proposed method is an efective and quantitative approach to the validation of simulation models in a dynamic process. Thus, this paper describes the infuence of the train structure size on an evacuation based on the results of simulation experiments. The structural size factors include the door width, aisle width, and seat pitch. The experiment results indicate that a wide aisle and reasonable seat pitch can promote a proper evacuation. In addition, a normal train door width has no efect on an evacuation.

References:Hanzhao Qiu1,2 and Weining Fang1*.CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,2019,32(1):1-13.doi:10.1186/s10033-019-0399-6


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Automation fail …